Sameer Ahmed
“ Greetings to the prospective students of DIRD. I attended the DIRD in 2013-2016. This has helped me in gain good insight into the corporate world not only in India but here in the US also. I had come in search of top BBA colleges in Delhi. After a lot of considerations, eventually chose to be a part of DIRD and today I am proud of being an DIRD alumnus The faculty is well versed in their respective fields. I offer my gratitude to the Respected Director, Dr. Narinder Mohan for his continuous unflinching encouragement in helping me further my career even here in USA. My advice to all the prospective students is that aim high, dream big dreams and you will succeed in life. Your education and hard work will always pay off; it is only a matter of time. There are many students like you, here in the U.S. and India, who have come to realize their dreams. So it is alright to persevere. With Delhi Institute Of Rural Development and I can say that you are in good hands and rest is up to you to perform. Good luck to you all in your current and future endeavors. Go DIRD! With Best Wishes, ”